I was doing some electrical work in one of our attics. I didn't notice that one of our cats followed me up there.
After completing my work, I came down the drop down stairway and then lifted it back up with her still up there.
A while later, I noticed a cat missing and realized that she must have snuck up there while I was not looking.
I called and called with no luck. I put a can of cat food at the top of the hatch which was pulled down, waiting for her to show up.
48 hours later, still no sign of her. Now the wife and I are worried. The attics in our house have areas that are too small to find her in.
The next morning one of our other cats, a normally very quiet one, was staring at the fireplace and then looking at my wife, back and forth, over and over.
She went up and put her ear up in the fireplace and heard a very faint meow.
Crap! The cat had fallen down in the wall behind the corner fireplace.
The good news was that now we knew where she was, but the bad news was that I had no way to get at her.