My church (Christ Fellowship of McKinney Texas) commissioned me to create a Rube-Goldberg machine that would use marbles and depict the need for a new children's building.
"Make Room for One More" was their slogan.
This is what I came up with, for them.
Start Sequence:
Drop in a marble
Push start button
Machine starts
Event Sequence:
Some people pledge but don't actually follow through.
Some people pledge and donate.
Monies that come in go through the transparent accounting center.
People have been shifting from room to room to make room.
The other kids are playing.
Yea, new kid gets to play.
Sad, no room.
Church gets new wing.
Church can accept the new kid. Woo Hoo!
Front View
Electronics in the rear
The system was made out of wood, Plexiglas, metal & 3D printed parts.
The electronic logic was programmed with a Parallax Stamp II. I used a motor from a car seat, servos from the hobby shop, relays and power supplies from old burglar alarms.